The influence of the art in your events
Meetings Blog Aug 16, 2019
Meetings Blog Aug 16, 2019
What is art? There are definitions that we could draw upon for this age-old question, of course, but what does it really mean to you? Is it the fundamental honed skill that produces something that others marvel at? Or possibly it is more about the message, the emotion, or the ingenuity that lies beneath the artist’s brushstrokes that provoke your admiration. Whatever it is, art, in some form, has been with us ever since those first etchings on cave walls, and lives with us daily in a myriad of guises.
Finnish composer Jean Sibelius once said that ‘art is the signature of civilizations’, so why not consider penning your own signature on an event using art. Ponder how you can use it (in whatever manner you think most appropriate for the occasion) to arouse conversation in a breakout area, for example. Original or thought-provoking items can act not only as icebreakers to an unfamiliar group, they can also give attendees the opportunity to switch their minds off from the business in hand, which comes with further benefits. As well as this, how better to stimulate creativity and imagination in a brainstorming session than to surround those involved with artistic offerings, from table and chair furnishings, to objects dangling from the ceiling.
Another idea is to use art to impress your guests, possibly with mind-blowing, cutting edge technology. Virtual reality and 3-dimensional mapping can be used to great effect, as can interactive projections onto the walls. Or maybe a spectacular light show set to music would be the perfect way to end the day on a high, potentially on a rooftop terrace with cocktail in hand. This is where video jockeys can truly earn their keep, while the catering team can show off their own talents as they craft their edible creations to match the theme.
Based on the concept and ideas above, our NH Collection Guadalajara Centro Histórico is an ideal venue to bring your next ‘arty’ event to life. On the outside, authentic Mexican architecture that can have you gazing in wonder longer than you’d expect, and on the inside, a modern take on the traditions of this incredible part of the world, and teeming with art.
A magnificent collection of those works awaits our guests throughout the building. Your first glimpse will come in our main lobby entrance, but as you delve deeper into the corridors and up higher towards the rooftop terrace, you’ll be presented with numerous pieces, predominantly by artists from the region. Use them as periphery inspiration or as an exclusive part of your event, possibly incorporating a guided tour to give a greater understanding, in much the same way as offered in museums.
Appreciated as our very own work of art, the hotel offers you the chance to express all of your creativity for an unforgettable event, and our team of experts will be there to hold your virtual palette of colors with which you can paint your very own masterpiece.