Be a Jedi event planning master
Meetings Blog Dec 15, 2017
Meetings Blog Dec 15, 2017
A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away…
Every Jedi Knight has learned how to use the Force and uses it for good, helping and protecting those who cannot do it for themselves. The importance of being in control and striving to be the best they can be links neatly with the ideals of event planning and therefore, here are our four Jedi skills that we believe every meeting planner should have.
“Much to learn you still have…my old padawan. This is just the beginning!” – Yoda
Becoming a Jedi knight involves years of training. Yes, the Force may live within you but learning how to nurture it and then wield it for the purposes of helping others takes time, and is enhanced by the teachings of those more experienced Jedis. Take Grand Master Yoda as the ideal example, mentoring the Younglings and Padawans, including Luke Skywalker. That experience was key in the fight against the Sith.
Every meeting or event that you organize adds another element of experience to your planning belt. And that wisdom gained prepares you for subsequent events that you have to take control of. Never lose track of lessons learned – literally keep a note of what went well, what didn’t, and ideas that are generated throughout the full process – and from that, you will quickly build a solid knowledge base that will transform you into an Event Master.
“You will know (the good from the bad) when you are calm, at peace.” – Yoda
Anakin Skywalker, aka Darth Vader, turned to the Dark Side. One of his weaknesses was his inability to control his emotions, which had always formed part of his personality, but became more prevalent as he grew older. Whether fear, anger or another passionate reaction, his fall to the Emperor’s side led to one of the biggest battles, which he ultimately lost.
Just as the universe is at stake for the Jedis, the success of your meeting or event, not to mention the reputation of the company, is on the line and being able to stay on top of your emotions is an invaluable asset. Staying cool and not letting your feelings drive your behaviors inappropriately will help you see the bigger picture and facilitate decision-making more effectively. When tensions are high, the value of taking a deep breath cannot be underestimated, and will allow you to proceed with your plans, as well as maintaining control of your team, clients and attendees. To paraphrase Rudyard Kipling, “if you can keep your head when all about you are losing theirs…yours is the Earth and everything that’s in it”.
Through the Force, things you will see. Other places. The future…the past.” – Yoda
Jedis have super-human reflexes that allow them to deal with situations at quite incredible speeds. Surviving lightsaber duels, dodging laser blasts and steering speeder bikes through dense forests are all helped with this ability. Another benefit of this power is the capacity to see visions of the past and future as Rey, who is highly Force-sensitive, demonstrates in The Force Awakens.
You may not be clairvoyant, but you do have the power to plan solutions in advance. Using your knowledge of the situations that often occur in meetings and events, look to anticipate them and ensure the right provisions have already been made, or that a plan B is waiting just in case. Read as much as you can about industry news, actively seek out and listen to advice from respected planners, and use this to develop what will become your own event-based version of the Force?
“Mind what you have learned. Save you it can.” – Yoda
All Jedi Knights have reached an unparalleled mastery of the lightsaber and, as we learn over the story originally brought to us by George Lucas, other impressive technology is available to them in their fight to defeat the Galactic Empire. Intelligent robotic droids, highly advanced spacecraft and 3D holographic messages, all captured the imagination of viewers in the 1970s and ever since.
So technology is key for the adventures of the Jedis and likewise can make a huge difference for a meeting planner. Stay abreast of the latest tools and learn to master their use. Look for opportunities to impress your attendees and remember that you don’t have to travel to the valleys of planet Tatooine or the deserts of Jakku to find presenting robots or an equivalent to Princess Leia’s all-important, and iconic, hologram message to Obi-Wan Kenobi!
To all our Jedi event planning masters, may the force be with you!