Minor Hotels Europe & Americas continues to bolster the compliance function, based fundamentally on the principles and values contained in its Code of Conduct, which has been translated into ten languages, seven of which are published on the corporate website and the intranet, and is applied in all the countries where the Minor Hotels Europe & Americas is active. Furthermore, since 2017, through the “My NH” app, the Company’s employees can access it from their mobile device.
The purpose of the Code of Conduct is to determine the principles, values and rules that are to govern the conduct and behavior of each of the professionals and executives of the Group, as well as members of the governing bodies of Group companies and stakeholders that interact with Minor Hotels Europe & Americas. The Code of Conduct summarizes the professional conduct that is expected of Minor Hotels Europe & Americas employees, who are committed to acting with integrity, honesty, respect and professionalism in performing their duties. Employees are required to take a training course on the Code of Conduct in order to ensure that they have read and understood it. Completion of this course is recorded in the system.
Download Code of Conduct
Download Procedure for Notifying, Processing and Solving Breaches of the Code of Conduct
The principle of respect for and protection of Human Rights is integrated into the culture of Minor Hotels Europe & Americas and is applied to the activities carried on through the professionals, independently of the country or region where the activity is carried out. The Company is committed to complying with Human Rights and works to prevent and manage the risks associated to the breach of such rights. Minor Hotels Europe & Americas’ international presence in countries where the defense of human rights needs to be boosted leads us to be transmitters of the concept and to ensure frameworks of relations and management are in place in which the defense of these rights is assured.
In 2020, the Board of Directors approved the Minor Hotels Europe & Americas Human Rights Policy, a document that sets out all the principles and commitments undertaken by the Company in this regard.
The policy reinforces a sound and responsible governance model, that fosters transparent and responsible management on the basis of a single corporate document with global scope that, among other aspects, will make it possible not only to manage better the risks wherever Minor Hotels Europe & Americas is present, but also ensure knowledge and integration of the policy in the value chain. Through this Policy, the Company undertakes to play an active role in the promotion of Human Rights and to work proactively to this end. The Policy reflects the commitments already undertaken in this regard and guarantees respect for the labor rights of all employees, customers, suppliers and partners, in all the countries where the Company is present, in accordance with ruling law in each country.
The guiding principles on which the policy is based are as follows:
Download Human Rights Policy
In order to guarantee compliance with the Human Rights Policy, the Internal Audit department undertakes to supervise the principles and rules reflected in the Policy and, therefore, is responsible for analyzing any irregularity related to it.
Therefore, as part of the Human Rights Risk Management project, in 2021 a Corporate Due Diligence Guide for Human Rights was drawn up as a support tool in applying the Protocol to all the Company’s operations. This Guide serves as an instrument to increase the control over and the efficiency of processes, mitigate the risk of reputational damage and favor the correct public positioning of the Company. In December 2021, training in Human Rights was launched, to consolidate knowledge on human rights among all the Company’s employees.
This year, an evaluation of the residual risk of breach of Human Rights in Minor Hotels Europe & Americas was carried out by assessing the level of compliance of the hotels with the commitments formalized in the Policy. Through this assessment, some more sensitive aspects were identified and will be monitored in more detail. As part of this assessment, Minor Hotels Europe & Americas is analyzing the principal adverse impacts related to human rights through its own operation. Being this a starting point to draw up specific action and mitigation plans where applicable.
In order to make further progress in this area, Minor Hotels Europe & Americas is updating its Due Diligence Process considering the new DIRECTIVE OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND OF THE COUNCIL on Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence and amending Directive (EU) 2019/1937 also the best practices and recommendation included in: I. Universal Declaration of Human Rights (United Nations, 1948); II. UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights (United Nations, 2011); III. OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises (OECD, updated 2023) and the application guide; IV. ILO Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work and its Follow-Up (ILO, 1998).