San Marco Area
When visiting Venice, the first place you’re more likely to start your tour is the most iconic and famous sight: Piazza San Marco. This great square overlooking the sea is the heart of the city, as well as one of the most renowned squares in the world for its architectural majesty and integrity: in the past, Napoleon called it “Europe’s Drawing Room”. Day or night, summer or winter, all tourists usually agree that this square is literally enchanting. Buildings around its perimeter are equally important: opposite the sea, you will find the outstanding Basilica di San Marco. Dating back to 1063, it has been the palatine church for the Serenissima Republic of Venice until the decadence of this reign. The building is magnificent in structure, but the interior is just as incredible: they’re a triumph of refined decorations and golden mosaics, a perfect display of the Venetian Byzantine style. San Marco square also hosts its homonym bell tower, which measures almost 100m in height and is the ideal place to visit if you’re addicted to amazing views : a breathtaking panoramic view is guaranteed.