NH DISCOVERY is part of GHA DISCOVERY. The GHA DISCOVERY Double DISCOVERY Dollars Promotion (the “Promotion”) applies to net eligible spend on eligible stays at all GHA participating brands hotels by NH DISCOVERY and GHA DISCOVERY members who have registered for the Promotion prior to their stay. The Promotion allows members to earn double the normal number of DISCOVERY Dollars (“D$”) for their eligible stays, so that as well as earning the normal number of Base DISCOVERY Dollars (“Base D$”) for the stay they will also earn the same number of Promotional DISCOVERY Dollars (“Promotional D$”).
To take advantage of the offer, participants must be a member of the NH DISCOVERY or GHA DISCOVERY programme and must have accepted the NH DISCOVERY or GHA DISCOVERY programme Terms & Conditions and the Privacy Policy.
Members must register for the Promotion within the promotional opt-in period (03.03.2025- 31.05.2025) prior to their stay by clicking on the "Register" button on the designated website page. Once they are registered, members must then make an eligible booking during the promotional period (03.03.2025- 31.05.2025) and complete the eligible stay related to that booking within the required stay period (03.03.2025- 31.05.2025). The eligible stay must be completed and the member must be checked out on or before 31.05.2025 for Promotional D$ to be awarded. Ongoing stays with a checkout date after 31.05.2025 will not receive Promotional D$. Promotional D$ are awarded in addition to the Base D$ that is issued as a result of completing the eligible stay. Promotional D$ are subject to a limited expiry term of six (6) months from the date of issuance and are therefore excluded from the Base D$ expiration rules. Any Base D$ earned on a member’s stay will be subject to expiration based on standard tier-based expiration rules. This offer is subject to change or withdrawal without notice and is subject to availability.
Bookings and eligible stays made prior to the Registration will not be considered as a qualified eligible stay towards the promotion, even if they are in the Promotional Stay period.
“Ineligible rates” do not qualify for earning Promotional D$. Stays that take place prior to the member’s registration for the Promotion will not be awarded Promotional D$.
"Ineligible Rates" shall include, without limitation: (1) third-party online retailer rates, such as Expedia.com, Booking.com, Hotels.com, Orbitz.com, Priceline, Travelocity.com, etc. (“OTAs”) (2) tours series rates and charter rates (3) room rates for airline staff and crew where rooms are pre-booked and paid for by the airline or directly; (4) travel-industry staff rates; (5) any employee rates, employee family or employee friends discount rates; (6) other discounted rates; (7) any complimentary, free, traded or bartered night stays, or any stays in connection with gift certificates or other awards or vouchers. First stays on ineligible rates may receive DISCOVERY Dollars on a promotional basis, but these stays will not count towards tier qualification; subsequent stays on an ineligible rate will not receive D$ nor will they count towards tier qualification.
This offer is subject to change or withdrawal without notice, cannot be transferred or exchanged for other forms of compensation, cannot be combined with any other offer or promotion unless explicitly stated and is subject to availability. D$ is not redeemable for cash."