Rome tips: The Colosseum
Perhaps the most impressive of historical Rome's many ancient sites, the Colosseum is a monument to both the grandeur and barbarity of the Roman Empire. It was here that gladiators battled for their lives either against each other or against wild animals captured as trophies in the Empire's many military campaigns. First opened to the public in AD 80, the Colosseum is large enough to seat 50,000 people. Vaspasian was the Roman emperor who had it built but he died before its completion. His son Titus finished it a year later and to celebrate the grand opening he held a hundred day long festival. Thousands of animals were killed for sport. It was to be only the beginning of such lavish and obscene slaughter staged at the venue.
Repurposed as a fortress during the Middle Ages, the Colosseum was for some time abandoned before undergoing extensive restoration. Today the Colosseum’s interior is as impressive as ever. Visitors can enter for a fee and guided tours are available. Advance booking online is recommended so make sure you check opening times and dates before your visit. This place is a must even if you just have a short stay in Rome.