Frankfurt Travel Guide

The Goethe Museum, Kaiserdom or Zeil… Find out the best tips with our Frankfurt travel guide.

What to do in Frankfurt

The eating delights of Frankfurt

The Frankfurter may be one of its more well-known exports but the fifth largest German city has many other culinary treats to entice you with. Allow our Guest Relations team to help!

6 things to do in Frankfurt

The German city of Frankfurt has plenty to offer visitors and our local team is perfectly placed to point you in the direction of those off the beaten track.

Frankfurt fun with the kids

When you arrive in a new city with children you’ll want some ideas on where you can all go for shared fun and our local Guest Relations team can help you out

Top 5 tips to enjoy Frankfurt like a local

Whether a brief visit with work or an extended stay with friends and family, our NH Guest Relations team gives its insider ideas on what to do and things to see while visiting the city of Frankfurt.

Frankfurt: Mainhatten charm with an apple

The Avani Frankfurt City Hotel sits on the edge of the bustling shopping district and just a short walk from the Main River so take full advantage of the city with the advice of our Guest Relations team.

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