Welcome to the NH Collection Roma Giustiniano and Rome, a place full of things to see where the main attractions are world famous landmarks: think walking along Via dei Fori Imperiali to the magnificent Coliseum or turning around an innocent corner and being confronted with the awesome Pantheon as examples. I’d also, though, recommend the stunning Fontana di Trevi, to see where the amazing Anita Ekberg stood in the iconic movie La Dolce Vita. (Try to see the film before you visit to get an insight into Rome’s sweet life!) The Basilica di Santa Maria del Popolo sits on Piazza del Popolo and is home to Caravaggio’s famous Crocefissione di San Pietro (St Peter’s Crucifixion). In the square you can also marvel at the Obelisque in its center and the two ‘twin’ churches, although look closely and you’ll spot some differences.