Currywurst and Boulette: Authentic Icons
As a typical Berlin day approaches noon, visitors may notice street-side counters and tables fill up with moustached men in bomber jackets, construction workers in hefty boots, or businesswomen with briefcases resting at their feet. Most will have a plastic fork in hand whilst leaning on the elbow of their other arm, with their lunch in front of them. Their dish of choice? Typically, a piping hot portion of currywurst or boulette.
Currywurst, along with the succulent local favourite, boulette, is a bona fide culinary icon which continues to satisfy Berlin's hungry masses. Throughout its diverse collection of districts, from shabby-chic Wedding to sleek Potsdamer Platz, vibrant Kreuzberg to refined Prenzlauer Berg, eating currywurst is a daily ritual for multitudes of Berliners.
For visitors to town, the city's countless currywurst and boulette vendors, including bars, kiosks and restaurants, mean that it is possible to do as the locals do, and enjoy a tasty pitstop whilst watching the world go by.